Terms and Conditions
Terms of Engagement
I operate under standard New Zealand photographic industry terms. As the the industry standard they're designed to protect you and me. I retain all copyright in my work unless specifically agreed otherwise.
If you like what you see in the galleries and your business needs images that will move people, I’d be very happy to discuss it with you in full confidence.
Please call me on +64 21 3888 28,
or e-mail me charles@charlesphotographs.com
Photography rates
In New Zealand
- Photography:
- Studio Hourly: NZ$250, minimum job 2 hrs
- On-location Hourly: NZ$250, plus return travel charged at $100 per hour.
- Studio Daily: NZ$2,000 per 8 hour day, NZ$2,700 per 10 hour day NZ$3,000 per 12 hour day.
- On-location Daily: NZ$2,000 per 8 hours, NZ$2,700 per 10 hours NZ$3,000 per 12 hour day, plus return travel charged at $100 per hour.
- Digital Capture Fee - including delivery of DvD or web gallery for editing, $200 per half day, $300 for up to 12 hr day.
- Lighting - Studio is powerfully equipped and included in rates; in some cases specialist shapers may need specific hiring.
- Lighting - When on-location, professional on-location lighting is included. Kit comprises fully mains-free Broncolor Mobil kit w/Ringflash and 2 Mobil heads. If NOT required I DEDUCT $150 per half day, $250 for 8 hours, $300 for 12 hours. Very rarely has more been needed, and in this unlikely event will be discussed in advance.
- Plus any expenses as pre-agreed by written quote.
- Special or extended projects by negotiation. I’m open-minded where things are mutually beneficial, so twist my arm!
- Like all serious professionals, I always retain all copyright in my work unless specifically agreed otherwise.
- All accounts payable 50% upon approval to proceed, with the remaining 50% no more than two weeks after final delivery.
- Photography Daily: NZ$1,800 per 8 hour day, NZ$2,500 per 10 hour day NZ$2,700 per 12 hour day plus agreed per diems & all travel, accommodation, excess luggage & other expenses as pre-agreed by written quote.
- Digital Capture Fee - $200 per half day, $300 for up to 12 hr day. Generally web galleries are ready upon retrun to NZ, but shooting destination or schedule may prevent daily (or even any!) web uploading.
- Special or extended projects by negotiation. I’m open-minded where things are mutually beneficial, so twist my arm!
- Accounts - 100% of travel and accommodation and 50% job fee payable upon approval to proceed, remaining 50% no more than two weeks after final delivery.
Pre & Post Production rates
- In New Zealand & Off Shore
- Hourly : NZ$140 plus material costs as pre-agreed by written quote. All images post produced using Adobe CS5 or Lightroom 3 on powerful Apple Mac Pro and Mac Book Pro computers.
- Reconnaissance rates
- Hourly : NZ$100 plus all incidental costs as pre-agreed.
Please Note: The New Zealand Government demands I add, but they keep, a 15% Goods and Services Tax on all work and materials provided within New Zealand.
Images available for lease
Many images on this site and thousands more are available for commercial lease. Extensive selections available by country or subject. Please just ask.